Well, here's the reason I haven't been blogging for a while. His name is Nathaniel Jason Robert Beale, and he is 5 weeks old. He was born just a day before his due date absolutely perfect timing! All went well with the birth - contractions started around 1am and he was born at 8:30am, just 45 minutes after arriving at the hospital. It could have so easily been a birth in the car, but luckily we just missed the morning rush hour traffic, and crossing my legs really helped.
Arriving that quickly meant no time for any pain relief, so I'm pretty impressed with myself. I noticed that Nathaniel was bright and alert the moment he was born, and was actually quite fussy. He definitely was going to let me know exactly what he thought and what he wanted - and actually still does!
So during the last five weeks we've been getting to know each other and trying to create a new family routine. Each day is different depending on the amount of sleep from the previous evening. Jason is currently taking the boys to school in the morning before going to work. Having two cars is really great right now, I love having a more relaxed morning. That doesn't mean I get to have a lie in, are you kidding? With 5 boys in the house (Dad and Jase included)? I literally work from 'son' up to 'son' down! But I couldn't be happier.
I miss blogging, scrap booking, and photography, so I'm going to make a little more time for those things. But I really do feel very fulfilled just washing, ironing, cleaning and running around looking after everyone else. Life is good!