It's not easy being green!
I must remind Jason to take out the recycling before he goes camping!
I must remind Jason to take out the recycling before he goes camping!
Posted by Emily at 08:24 0 comments
Rachael chose the April General Conference talk by Elder Holland as our visiting teaching message for this month, it's a beautiful talk, and a wonderful choice. I remembered that Elder Holland's talk was used as a basis for the church's April youtube message. I'm so glad the church is using technology to spead the messages of the gospel, the new monthly youtube messages are particularly good. Elder Holland's talk has a powerful reverence to it, and I am touched beyond words. I feel a tremendous sense of gratitude for the life and atonement of Jesus Christ when I listen to this insightful message.
Posted by Emily at 21:57 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 14:09 1 comments
I'm such a list person, today's looks a little like this - never going to get it all accomplished!
Look at the time, it's almost time for lunch half the day is already gone!
Posted by Emily at 10:58 0 comments
Nathaniel kicks. He has little mats and chairs all over the house so that he has a little place to kick and play. This little mat is in the office - not his favourite place to be, I don't know if it's the light, the smell, or the fact that I sometimes spend too long in here, but Nathaniel doesn't like it much. I think actually he's spoilt for choice.
We had a pretty good weekend as a family, though Jarom is poorly. We attempted cleaning out the lofts - why do we store so much junk? So now I have a million and one projects to do with all the stuff I found. Quilts, quilts, quilts - that's what's on my mind. Going to give a couple a go with all the material I've stored (like a pack rat). We have several service projects on at the moment as a ward and I thought quilting would be good for all of them. It's something I can do in the evenings, whilst Dad and I watch our favourite TV programmes. So here goes, will keep you posted.
Posted by Emily at 11:39 0 comments
Of course he's teething, but I really could have done with the sleep. I did get some rest, I actually got Jase to get up with him after a while, poor Daddy is shattered this morning. I'm amazed that Nathaniel can function so well on so little sleep. He did eat a little better this morning, I started him on solid food a few weeks ago, and seemed to loose his appetite a little, but maybe that's the little tooth that's coming through.
I felt extra tired because I actually ran 2 miles yesterday! The training for the race for life is going pretty well. I'm actually amazed at what I've been able to accomplish. It's all down to Rachel, my running buddy and general life coach - how I love her! I started training a few months ago, but it wasn't until I went out with Rachel that I actually managed some distance. Three miles really seems achievable, not at any great speed, but I really think I can accomplish my goal of running the whole way, something I've never been able to do! I have about a month to go to build up to 3 miles. I just need to hold the training at 2 by myself for awhile. I've also found that I love it. I've had dreams for years when I've pictured myself running, feeling the freedom of it, and the joy of the experience. Now I'm actually doing it, I've found a new hobby. I'm definitely going to keep this up after June. I think I'll take my camera out next time I run for fun, and I'll record where I run.
Posted by Emily at 10:58 0 comments
We have had some great weather this Spring, and we love nothing better than spending it in our local park. Jason had the great idea of asking our nephews if they would bring their mountain boards to the park so we could play with them. Jason and the boys had a great time. Even Grandpa, Katy, Tim (and a little borrowed puppy), joined us for some fun.
So grateful for the helmet and knee pads. Tayler didn't actually fall off, despite hurtling down the hill several times. He's quite safety conscious, I think he felt better to have the pads on. You can tell Isaac has done this before, quite relaxed, compared to Tayler who is hanging on as if his life depended on it!
Posted by Emily at 10:17 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 10:04 0 comments
The boys joined the scouting programme back in September of last year. They've really enjoyed all the events and activities their pack and colony have organised for them. The special event last week was the St Georges day parade through our town of Weston-super-Mare. They marched with their groups and then renewed their scouting promises together in a local park in the town. Jason took these pictures of them marching long the seafront. It was a rather wet and misable day, but the boys seemed to enjoy it. They both took their marching very seriously. Jarom with his cub pack on the St Georges day march, he's pictured here with his best friend.
Tayler pictured with Jake (carrying the flag) and Brown Beaver striding out in front.
Posted by Emily at 11:29 0 comments
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