
Posted by Emily at 07:07 0 comments
My boys are away on father and son's camp this weekend. An annual event for the wards of Weston-super-Mare, and something my husband in particular loves. I find it hard to let the boys go for the weekend, and although they make a terrible mess packing to go, and I'm glad to say goodbye as they drive off of the drive, I usually want them back within a few minutes. So today I am morning for the messy rooms, the noise and the endless piles of lego bricks left on the floor. I do hope my boys are dry and warm and having fun. I guess these are the experiences of boy hood I want my sons to have. It's just a small sacrifice on my part for a greater good.
Posted by Emily at 06:56 0 comments
We enjoyed attending our Stake Conference over the weekend as a family. We had the privilege of having an apostle attend. The boys were so excited to have a real life apostle come to visit them. They were amazingly well behaved during conference and sat so still, it was almost scary - who had taken away my fidgety boys and replaced them with these super good boys? The give away was Tayler who asked loudly every 10-15 minutes, "Mum, I am sooo hungry, when is all this going to be finished, and I can go home?" - ah, that's my boy. Honestly, the boys were wonderful. It was so good to hear them both say in their personal prayers that evening before getting into bed say - "thank you for sending an apostle to us today", my heart also echoes those words.
Posted by Emily at 06:38 1 comments
Posted by Emily at 06:03 2 comments
Posted by Emily at 14:04 0 comments
Labels: Cooking
A few weeks ago we traveled up to Gloucester to visit with our other Beale family. We had a really super day visiting with them, and I took a few pictures, which I have finally edited and posted. I seem to be getting a little behind lately, I'm all caught up now though. We love Dean & Claire and it was so great to spend some time with them in their home. Our boys really enjoyed hanging out with their cousins also.
Posted by Emily at 10:52 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 13:19 1 comments
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