Not the best of pictures, but he had just woke up from a nap. This little man has been pretty good recently, although he's had me up quite a bit at night due to teething. I've been super busy, and he's been super good.

My project for the week has been family history scrapbooks. I had about 12 huge boxes full of stuff to sort through. It was a mammoth task. One that my dear mummy never got around to doing, although she'd kept everything. I'm so glad she did. She had such a strong desire to record-keep, but just felt so overwhelmed by the process of organising it all, and other things took priority such as serving fellow sisters in the church and family history work. So that's where I step in - scrapbook loving, photograph crazy, organizing freak daughter.
I've been desperate to start this project for the past year, but I've been waiting until things have settled in the home and Nathaniel is in a better routine. Now is the time. So I'll start with a scrapbook/photograph album of mummy's pictures, then probably progress to a more detailed scrapbook of talks, testimonies and history of mum's life, plus an organised memory box of journals, and treasured possessions. I then need to turn my attentions to my grandmother (mum's mum), and then myself. I'd love to have them all completed by the end of the year. Hum... not sure if that's a very achievable goal, but I'd love to try.

My arty project was bunting for the boys bedroom. I made this from scraps I had lying around - blue denim from a caravan I tried to redecorate, a red t-towel, and ribbon from my mum's collection. I just love it! The boys room just felt a little characterless in places, but this has really done the trick. My boys like it, I hoped they'd say, "Wow, thanks mum, you're a genius, we love it", but I got "That's nice". Never mind, I think it's really great.
As well as all the little projects I've looked after the home and kept it organised, cleaned a little, cooked, washed (not much ironing was achieved, got to get to that!), shopped, looked after friend's children, worked on my calling (meetings, planned, prepared & taught lessons) read bedtime stories, provided school & club taxi service. Phew, I just love being a mummy!