So proud of my boy
It's almost the end of another school year and Jarom will be entering year 5 when he goes back to school in September. He's had a great year, his confidence has grown so much and he has continued to do so well academically. My only worry about him is that he continues to make really poor choices with friendships at school. We have tried so hard to encourage him, but he keeps returning to the same boys, or so it seemed. He's not a big 'sharer', what happens at school usually stays at school, he works hard and so likes to forget about school when he comes home. I guess I was worrying a little, and as he is going into a new class next year I thought I would go in to speak with his teacher.
We really love his teacher Mrs. Clark, she really is wonderful, and gets on so well with Jarom. She reassured me that he continues to do well, and he is making some good new friendships, he isn't hanging out with the same group of 'naughty boys'. I expressed that I was concerned that he would be labeled with the 'naughty boys' if he was with them, I have to admit I'm not even sure that I would trust him not to get involved in bad behaviour in the end, if he was always hanging out with the bad crowd. She calmed my fears by saying - "We know your son well, he's a very good boy. Trust him, he really has a good sense of right and wrong". At that moment I actually felt the Spirit witness to me that what Jarom's teacher was saying was true. I should trust my son more, he is a good boy. Also that we are doing a good job as his parents, what we are saying and doing is working. I also remembered the words of his blessing as a baby - "We ask thee to bless this young man... with a character of goodness in his soul, that he will yearn for righteousness, that he will learn to do good, and want to choose the right always". I'm so glad Nanny recorded Jarom's blessing for us, he has been blessed with a good sense of right and wrong. I feel so blessed to have Jarom as my son, he is a really fantastic young man.
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