Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Families are forever
I just love this picture of my family. It was taken Christmas 2007, our last Christmas all together. I gave this copy to Dad for Christmas this year and it sits in his room here. I'm currently serving as a teacher in Relief Society and this weeks lesson is about Celestial Marriage taken from the talk given by Elder Russell M. Nelson at Oct. General Conference. Preparing the lesson makes my think about this picture, and the blessing it is to know we will be a family forever.
Posted by Emily at 15:38 2 comments
Friday, 13 February 2009
Nathaniel's Blessing
I've had such a busy week, so I'm a little behind, but our little man was blessed on Sunday. Here he is pictured with Nanny after Sunday meetings at our ward's 'munch and mingle'. We had a lovely day as a family, kate was able to make it, but poor Rich and Chessy were snowed in, we missed them, but they are visiting for Valentines day.
We had a very chilled Sunday morning, with pancakes, bacon, sausage & eggs for breakfast. Jarom and Tayler thought they were in a hotel, they loved it. Nathaniel was at his best and very chilled. Grandpa was busiest, having to teach Sunday school and give a talk in Sacrament meeting!
Jason gave Nathaniel a lovely blessing. He has given each of our boys lovely blessings, each one brief and straight to the point. One of the things he blessed Nathaniel with that stands out in my mind is Reverence. At the time I thought - 'Oh boy, if this boy needs to be blessed with reverence, then what do we have to look forward to in the future? Is he really going to be that hard to handle?' Seriously though, reverence is one of my favourite things, as the Primary song says - it's more than just quietly sitting, it's thinking of Father above, and if I'm blessed with a son who sincerely turns his thoughts to his Heavenly Father every day I will feel very blessed indeed.
Posted by Emily at 10:19 1 comments
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Birthday boy is 6!

Posted by Emily at 12:04 1 comments
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Yesterday's day off school

Posted by Emily at 11:41 1 comments
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
It snowed
It hardly ever snows in our town. We live by the sea and the so called 'warm sea breezes' keep the snow at bay. However yesterday all the weather conditions were just right for snow. This is the view from our office window and it still looks white and pretty. Dad and I had to pick up the boys from school early yesterday. We live on the hill side and our driveway is also very steep so we did the sensible thing and left early to pick them up, needless to say they were very happy. They spent their time playing in the snow when they got home, what fun they had.
Would you believe that this morning Jason set the alarm clock for 6:15 so that he could get up with the boys before work and go sledging - how crazy was he? They actually did it too. They came home frozen, but they actually went sledgeing at 7am this morning. Tayler vows he is never doing it again, but Jarom loved it!
Posted by Emily at 10:32 1 comments
Monday, 2 February 2009
Lazy sunday mornings...
We love having church in the afternoon. It means we get to hang around in our PJ's and have pancakes for breakfast. That really is a welcome relief from the Monday-Saturday madness which is our life!
Posted by Emily at 12:18 1 comments
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Coconut Fudge Cake
This is definitely a family favourite. Yesterday I managed to do some baking for the first time in a while, and this is so yummy and easy to make I made a big batch. The recipe is as old as I am and was handed around all the mums in the playground when I first started school. My mum would make it for us as a special treat, and I remember that we would polish off a whole batch as soon as she had made it, there was never enough. So I double the recipe - and double the amount of frosting on the top too!
The Ingredients are:
Posted by Emily at 08:46 1 comments