Birthday boy is 6!

So Tayler is 6. The years really fly by. He has really matured in the last 8 months it's amazing to see the changes in him. He is still a patient laid back boy, but he has developed a strong will recently. I'm sure these qualities will be of great benefit in the future. Academically things don't come easily to him, but he's not too reluctant to put in some effort when encouraged. I am very impressed with the progress in his reading over the last 6 months and this has shown in his spelling also. Maths isn't his strongest subject, but this is coming on slowly. Tayler is still enjoying Beavers and Football. Every Wednesday he comes home buzzing about what he has accomplished that evening - he came home a few weeks ago after earning his first badge - the first aid badge - and placed Jason in the recovery position, he had us all in hysterics. Football is so good for him, and we love his coach Noz for being so patient and supportive. The activity is so good for Tayler and he is picking up some football skills. His love for Football is more social, he simply loves being part of the team and being with his friends, he's not so bothered with scoring goals.
In terms of Tayler's muscular condition. He is doing very well. He stays active which is wonderful, the trampoline and the Wii are great exercise as well as all the other activities he does. We bought him a trailer bike for his birthday so that he can ride behind Jason's bike. Riding a bike is something Tayler will probably not be able to do on his own, but riding attached to Jason's bike means Jason can help and do all the hard work. We're looking forward to good Spring weather so the boys can get out in the fresh air. We can see deterioration in Tayler's muscles, particularly in his ankles, which is why riding a bike is so hard, but his splints are helping him, and because of his easy going nature he doesn't mind wearing them too much.
We are incredibly proud of him, he makes us laugh, there's never a dull moment with Tayler around. He speaks his mind and we love his honesty. We are particularly impressed with his understanding of the principles of the gospel. He asks the most incredible deep questions and reflects upon our answers. He is also developing a lovely testimony, which he isn't afraid to share with people around him. It is really wonderful to start to see Tayler becoming a fantastic young man.
six years! It doesn't seem possible. What a great boy. It's amazing how deep a child can be. Hug him for me, and tell him Auntie Amber says happy late birthday, and kiss your sweet baby too!
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