Wednesday, 21 April 2010

YW Personal Progress Night

Last year I was called as an advisor in the young women's programme at church. My specific responsibility is over personal progress. I help and support the young women achieve their goals and each month I organise a young women's activity on a specific young women's value experience. Last night was the turn of Divine Nature (hense the blue) and we held a mother and daughter 'Pudding' evening, (each of our activities have to have a 'P' theme). I had worked hard on this evening, not just preparing the chapel, but preparing myself and the spiritual insights I wanted to share with the young women.

I started praying about this activity several weeks before General Conference, so that I would have talks to share with the YW for part of their goal. I was so grateful that the Lord blessed me with to great talks, one by Sister Julie B. Beck, and one by Elder M. Russel Ballard. I really do feel that my prayers were heard and answered. I've enjoyed reading these talks over several times and I'm so impressed with the council given. As well as having inspirational talks to read we had inspirational mothers to listen to. I invited each mother to share her feelings on a quality of motherhood/womanhood that she most admired. Mothers spoke about - being an example of strength, and about fulfilling our potential, about faith, humility, spiritual strength and patience. I was truly touched by these thoughts.

So to complete my goal I simply need to live one of these attributes for the next few weeks, then record my thoughts. I have chosen to live with more faith, it is something I have been striving for a while to achieve. I'll record how I get on. Then maybe you could sign me off on my goal.



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