We have a small park by our home with only two lonely swings - hence we named it Twoswing Park. It has wonderful green open space and little rolling hills. Yesterday I took the boys over to play football there for an hour.

After 20 minutes of being goalie Tayler had had enough and so picked up my camera and took a few pictures. The one above is his. Nice perspective, I thought.

Jarom is really loving football right now, and his practices at school are starting to pay off, he's starting to look really good with the ball. He realises he'll never make it to 'pro' level, he was telling me yesterday, but he would like to play for a local team when he's older, 'just part time'. He makes me laugh. Seriously, I hope he does continue to enjoy football and play for as long as he can. I think children gain a lot of confidence from playing sports of any form. Nathaniel is ball obsessed at the moment, and loved having a kick around too. I don't see professional footballers in our families future, but I hope all my boys continue to love being active and having fun playing sports.
Maybe not professional footballers, but Tayler could follow his Mum into professional photography! His picture is really cool!
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