Happy Monday...
Monday's are my favourite day of the week, (apart from Saturday when we get to play as a family and I get to spend more time with Jase) I really do love the feeling of a new start, a new beginning and the chance to get organised and do things right.
Today Nathaniel and I went to Costco to do some much needed shopping - we love their kitchen towel and we were down to our last few sheets. We were almost out of washing powder, dish washer tablets and we had completely run out of Otis Spunkmeyer cookies - how can we live without them? Pleased to say we're all stocked up now - yey!

This afternoon in the garden Nathaniel and I found to beautiful blue little butterflies. We don't have too many plants in our garden, but we have tried to plant things that attract wildlife. It was so nice to see them enjoying our garden, and doing what they do here.

So that was my Monday, all wrapped up. Busy. Fun packed. Great. Happy Monday Everyone!
sounds delicious! might just try that it looks easy to make too - just to suit me!
sounds delicious! might just try that it looks easy to make too - just to suit me!
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