We didn't make it to ward family camp this year and so instead we (Jason) built a fire in the garden and made 'delicious hot S'mores' (Toy Story Quote). We went over the the beach and then the woods to gather firewood, and I snapped a couple of pictures whilst we were there.

Tayler looking very handsome.

Nathaniel looking off to the middle distance (and a little over exposed, I hate that!)

My unedited images montaged.
And finally a little quiz for my boys.
Winner gets a prize.

I'll post the answers later.
After much deliberation Dad and I worked out some of the answers to guess the mushroom, it was actually really tricky, and we're still a little uncertain about some of them, we've given it our best guess. What I have learnt its that you can never be too careful about mushrooms.
1. Hare's Foot Inkcap Mushroom (Poisonous) 2. Sulfur Tuft (Poisonous) 3. King Alfred's Cake Fungus or 'Cramp Ball' (inedible) 4. Possible Bay Boletus Mushroom (edible - but I wouldn't try it) 5. Amenita or Destroying Angel (incredibly poisionous!) 6. False Death Cap (Poisonous).
So there you go. I thought that number 5 looked like a lovely looking mushroom, all white and clean, surely that one would be edible - wrong! It was the most deadly of the lot!
It was great to go mushroom spotting, but I wouldn't recommend eating anything you find, or even touching them!