Reviewing the school year
For the first time this year I have properly organised the pictures and work the boys have brought home from school. Tayler in particular has really made some great improvements this year. He has worked so hard, and I am glad that his hard work was rewarded with a good report at the end of the school year.

I love Tayler's art work at the moment, it is so full of the innocence of childhood, and simply makes me smile when I see it. He made many of these pictures during art week at school, something that he loved being apart of. I particularly love his dragon (It's been hanging on my fridge for the last 6 months), and his owl (part of the work he did on nocturnal animals), I love the technique he used to capture the feathers. Tayler really enjoyed the last piece of topic work he did with his class this academic year - dinosaurs! He brought home some beautiful pieces of written work and some lovely drawings. He spent many hours at home working on his own dinosaur project too.

I love recording my children's progress at school, and have been interested to see that Becky Higgins is giving away a free Personal Yearbook Project that will be so much fun to complete with the boys for the next academic year. As it's Jarom's last year in Primary school I especially feel the need to document it all.
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