Bonkers part 2
Here are a few of the 'less artsy' pictures I took on Sunday.
I love Nathaniel's pose - that's his 'ready, steady, go' pose - and then he's off at lightning speed to cause trouble somewhere! Isn't the bandstand great? I took some photographs for a friend here a few weeks ago, I'll be posting pictures on my photography blog soon.

Nathaniel does not look impressed with Daddy planting a big one on Jarom. I'm sure Jarom is pretty mortified too - he's 'too big for it now, and ow Dad, not in public!'
I love this shot of Tayler, he was just loving all the conkers he found, nice!
A big pile on. The boys thought I was nuts getting them to do this. It actually doesn't make for a great picture, but the boys got to have fun and squish Jase in the process - great!
Photo sessions with mum have never been so good!
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