Dreaming of a white Christmas?
I guess it's going to be a white Christmas here in Weston-super-Mare, we have been caught heavily by this year's big freeze. My boys are loving it - they could stay out in it all day. I am less enthusiastic. My big worry - will Asda be able to deliver my Christmas food shop? If not I'll have to face the queues at Sainsbury's. In theory this wouldn't be too terrible, I have most of my food stored in the freezer, it's just the last minute fruit, vegetables, milk & bread I need to get, and the little bits for Nathaniel's Birthday party. Unfortunatly, this could turn into a nightmare - I'd have to get Jason to drive me (I HATE driving in the snow), so we'd have to take Nathaniel and possibly the other boys - oh, no! I'll just have to phone Asda and plead with them to deliver!

My boys have made the most amazing snow fort ever! And with the amount of snow that has fallen in the last few hours that baby is only going to get bigger! It's so great to see them working together and enjoying being outside. I'm so glad they're not transfixed by their electrical games & the TV! I guess, (despite the shopping) I'm also saying hooray for snow!
Wow that fort is really cool! I bet they're loving it! Very creative idea :)
Playing in the snow is a MUST! I have started hustling my children into their snow gear and sending them outside as often as they will go, to combat cabin fever (and reclaim my own sanity just a little...).
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