Some photography homework...
This morning Nathaniel and I were out about about in Weston-super-Mare. We were taking photographs of Weston landmarks to use in some up and coming photography sessions for my business. We were privileged to see the new fountain being switched on for one of the first times, just flukey we were there, but I was really pleased because it looked great!
Nathaniel wanted to have a look at each picture I took.

We took his new scooter and he really enjoyed being Mr. independent.
He absolutely loved the new fountain. It wouldn't have taken much persuasion to get him to go paddling, even though it was pretty cold.
The fountain in full force - so pretty.
I love the seating they've built around the fountain. Modern. Functional. But I think the use of chunky wood and slate is pretty too.
We also looked at other locations - beautiful stone seated areas in the middle of town.
The bandstand in the park.
And the avenue - also in the park.
I realised that I hadn't visited these areas much in the last few years, and had forgotten they were even there. Sometimes it's important to take a moment and see the beautiful architecture, and use of materials in our towns and cities, and sometimes you just need to look past the graffiti and see an object as it was originally intended to be seen.
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