Tayler turns 8
Jarom also got in on the excitement.
Tayler - master bubble blower!
Tayler is such a Morph fan, he loved this fun zeotrope.
Playing with the water wheels, canals, pulleys and dams. Jason and I also had a great time, Nathaniel thought he was in heaven - so much to do, so little time!

Sunday was the day of Tayler's official birthday. His gifts included a game for his DS and a lego movie, he recently got into drawing, so we bought him some pencils, paper and a 'how to draw' book. Grandpa bought Tayler a new set of scriptures.
After church in the evening, Tayler was baptised a member of the church. Tayler has been looking forward for this day since Jarom his older brother was baptised when he was 8. He was well prepared and really enjoyed the whole experience. He thought the water was lovely and warm and I could tell by the way he threw himself at me for a big hug that he was completely happy with the choice he made to be baptised. During the closing prayer of the service, he leaned in close to me and whispered 'Thanks Mum'. My heart was full. I feel it is such an important part of my role as a mother to teach my boys well, and help them to make good choices. Sharing with them my love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and having them live and love those teachings too, brings me the greatest joy. Tayler's little 'thank you' yesterday meant so much to me. It confirmed to me that the hard work is worth it, and sometimes really appreciated!
That last photo is so perfect; what a perfect memento for such a wonderful day! Happy Birthday, Taylor!
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