Easter looked a lot like this...
It's been hanging on our door for over a month, in anticipation of the Easter holidays.

Our holiday started with fun at our local green. The boys enjoyed a great time playing Frisbee and hide and seek in the woods.
Nathaniel shows his skill at picture taking ...
Cricket celebrations from Jarom - where did that ball go to?
Playing guitar in the sunshine...
Nathaniel getting his groove on.
Oh, how he loves his Uncle Timmy ...
Easter Sunday, and the traditional Easter basket goodies. Lego. Hotwheels. Tech Deck. Enough said.
After just a few hours, we were reduced to a few M&M's and a tiny bit of wrapped up chocolate.
Easter Monday, and the Baby Momma's (Auntie Katy & Auntie Chessy) amongst us fancied the cool & shade of the local woods. (We wished there were bathrooms too!)
The boys loved the activities in the woods. Extreme swinging.
Den building.
More swinging - which brought on the most extreme fit of giggling I've ever heard from my boy.
There's nothing like the feeling of a swing.
Ashley not to be beaten by the boys got in on the action too. Bursting bubbles was her favourite activity of the day!
But she also tried her hand at climbing. Go for it girly!
More Easter egg hunting. But I think by Monday evening the little ones were all chocolated out!
I loved their 'follow my leader' approach to the whole event.
A word of warning - chocolate bunnies don't tend to do well in heat! This one became a little mutated - but my older boys thought it was hilarious!
The end of another successful holiday. We ticked off a lot of activities on our 'to do' lists. But now it's back to school. For all of three days - before the next four day weekend! And that one is stacking up to be a right royal celebration!
Happy Easter, Beale family! Looks like a wonderful holiday.
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