What an amazing mother's day weekend...
This weekend was so fantastic, not only was it mothers day on Sunday and I enjoyed an extra helping of love from my boys, but it was also General Conference and I got to enjoy listening to some fantastically uplifting and inspiring words from our church leaders. A truly amazing weekend.

These were the cards I received from my boys. They had put so much love and thought into them.
Mother's day breakfast! It's a tradition in our family, and I love it. Jarom later confessed that what looked like a lovely drink of orange juice was actually made up of Nathaniel's unfinished leftovers! Nice!
My mother's day gift - a herb garden for my window ledge.
Mother's day smile!
Jarom cooking my mother's day lunch - Butternut Squash Risotto - my favourite!
Everyone enjoying conference. I particularly love how Nathaniel got himself comfy in the bean bag. He loved his conference worksheets & clipboard, it kept him entertained for all of 5 minutes!
How lovely to have mothers day and conference on the same weekend! I love the breakfast tradition. My favorite pictures are Jarom cooking (hooray! children who cook for us!) and the shot of everyone watching conference. I think your Nathaniel and my George were cut from the same cloth. :o)
Oh boy, yes! He is such a handful right now!
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