Authentic Battle Damage
A few days ago my boy went over to his cousins home to play. Whilst in the garden the strimmer threw up a stone into his face. He came home and proudly announced his battle damage. He wished the stone had been just little bigger and had hit a little deeper, in order to make a really cool scar.

The offending rock.
I'm glad it wasn't a little bigger. A little harder. Or a little higher up his face. Phew. A close shave really!
I've been spending some time with my beautiful sister and her beautiful daughter this week. I'll be taking pictures today. Unfortunately that means I won't be posting much here whilst I'm so busy. So, I'll see you soon.
"authentic battle damage" hahahah! I know where you got that quote! Only a boy would want a really cool scar. Glad he's OK.
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