Picture a Christmas!

Posted by Emily at 18:25 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 20:46 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 13:01 2 comments
Posted by Emily at 13:06 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 06:22 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 11:30 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 12:42 0 comments
I'm so glad it's finished. I hated the mess and not seeing my husband for a week whilst he worked on this project for me, but it's mostly over now. There are a few things to tweek, but it is a functioning office again. I wish it looked a little prettier, but it is clean and tidy and everything has a home. It is so inspiring to have a clean & tidy place to work. And boy do I have a lot to do. See that basket in the corner? That's full of just half the Christmas projects I have set myself to do, never mind the business to run, the pictures to take and edit, and the other family chores. I not moaning, honestly, just grateful for a lovely space to work in.
Posted by Emily at 16:40 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 15:38 0 comments
So my little man loves to do 'thumbs up' right now, Grandpa taught him how. He does it to say goodbye, when he's happy, or wants to show that he's buddies with you. He also does it when he breaks free of your hand in John Lewis and tears through the store at break neck speed whilst waving hello to everyone he passes - it's funny now, but so not funny at the time!
Posted by Emily at 13:42 0 comments
Today, this arrived in the post!
Posted by Emily at 20:45 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 12:38 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 12:07 0 comments
Labels: Halloween
On Monday we got together as a family to celebrate Mum's 60th birthday. We couldn't let such an important day pass without recognising it in a small way even though Mum wasn't with us. We had a nice lunch - one of Mum's great soup recipes, Leak & Pea, with some delicious fresh bread. Then for desert I made Mum's amazing Nottingham Ginger Cake. It's been a while since making it, but boy did it taste good! Just perfect for all the ginger lovers in our family (Jason ate about half of it), and great for all the expectant mothers (ginger helps with sickness). We then took some flowers and a balloon over to Mum's grave. It's so peaceful there. The boys thought it would be fun to release Mum's balloon.
Posted by Emily at 10:18 1 comments
Posted by Emily at 18:36 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 19:52 1 comments
Labels: Sunday Afternoon
Today is a busy mummy day. Rushed off my feet looking after everyone, but I needed a little time to myself, so I got out the camera. Here are my views from today -
Posted by Emily at 14:16 0 comments
We had a really busy weekend as a family, but a fun one. We had dear friends come to stay, and we so enjoyed their company. It was great to have some girls around the house, and I thought my boys were really well behaved and played with the girls so well. We went for walks and ate good food, we also enjoyed good music too - almost too much fun to cram into one weekend. The crowning event was a Saturday evening get together for former residents of Nottingham who have moved to Weston-super-Mare all 21 of us to be precise - so glad the children ate in the garden, I have large kitchen table, but not that large!
Posted by Emily at 13:43 1 comments
Every Tuesday Tayler goes to lego club with his best friend James. The boys have such a great time, and I feel so grateful for good teachers who give up their lunch time for my boy to enjoy his favourite hobby. Lego really is his first love. James came over for tea last night and the boys busied themselves making more lego creations, I promised I would take a picture for them. So here you go boys - does your army have a name or special mission? I hope that rebel leader knows there's a storm trooper making a sneaky attack up the ladder!
Posted by Emily at 14:38 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 14:30 0 comments
We'd love to invite everyone, but our home just wouldn't be able to fit you all in, this year it's just family. But we can't wait, this is one party we all really enjoy. So - Beale's, Hayes's, Plumridge's, Mays's & Farrant's - fancy coming to our little party?
Posted by Emily at 13:47 0 comments
This happens! Nathaniel really loves to use the camera, not my really expensive super-duper pro camera, but our little hand held Pentax camera. It's about 5 years old now, the tech is outdated and so I'm not that precious about what happens with it. I'd much prefer that Nathaniel develop a love of picture taking. So it gets bashed about, chucked down the stairs and slobbered on, but he loves it.
Posted by Emily at 07:30 0 comments
It's our annual conference & weekend family photo shoot. This year we had the privilege of using the new pro camera, and boy, can I tell the difference. Just need to practice a little more with it, I'm feeling a little out of my depth again.
Posted by Emily at 16:11 1 comments
Posted by Emily at 06:49 0 comments
Last week it was blackberries and this week it's conkers. I love this time of year.
Posted by Emily at 13:51 0 comments
Posted by Emily at 06:45 0 comments
We all love the Autumn season in our home. We love the cosy feeling of evenings together, celebrating Jarom's birthday, Halloween treats, Christmas just around the corner and blackberry picking. Ummm blackberry picking. We went up to our favourite spot on Sand Point to collect berries again this weekend and gathered a good crop. Nanny has said she will make them into a crumble for us, yummy, she makes the best crumbles. How wonderful it feels to go on a walk and harvest the scummiest treat, for free. I love the free bit. My weekly shopping budget is taking a huge hammering at the moment, I just don't seem to have enough money to feed my 5 hungry men, so free food sounds great to me.
Posted by Emily at 19:55 0 comments
He does look like he's having fun doesn't he. On this particular morning he really was. He was singing and dancing and loving brushing this teeth. Usually it's a different story...
Posted by Emily at 20:18 2 comments
You've probably been wondering where we've been. Sorry about the lack of blogging. We've been extra busy this week.
Posted by Emily at 12:51 2 comments
Posted by Emily at 14:22 0 comments
I was so proud of my boy for helping me with the shopping and then making lunch, I thought it deserved a blog post. This boy certainly is growing up fast, and quickly approaching teenage-hood. His 11th Birthday will be in a few weeks and guess what? He wants a guitar. First skateboards, now guitars, what next?
Posted by Emily at 12:59 0 comments
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