This week has been full of good things, here are just a few...

Jarom and I worked on his homework project, we're almost finished, he just needs to build his mountain range out of clay.
I helped make the posters and invitations for the next RS activity for our wards. This one looks like it's going to be so much fun, and it's for both Weston 1st & 2nd, I love that. I don't often get to spend time with dear friends, and I'm looking forward to being with them again. Plus we get to wear hats - how cool, I will take pictures.
It's my birthday month, and what better way to celebrate then by spending my birthday pennies at
Boden. I've been seriously coveting several items from this seasons catalogue for a while now, just couldn't justify the prices, but it's sale time, so my money will stretch further!

And last, but not least, Jason and I had a date night last night to watch Eclipse. I had planned to go see it next week, but my babysitters had double booked, luckily I managed to switch my tickets to Saturday. I wasn't sure about advanced screenings, we've never been to one before, but we were surprised the cinema wasn't that busy. I've really enjoyed each of the movie versions of
Stephanie Mayer's books. Jason and I fancy ourselves as movie critics, we watch enough to know a little, and especially know a bad one when we see it. But we both really enjoyed Eclipse, Jase thought there was "too much kissing", I thought it was an absolutely perfect adaptation of the book. If I could book my babysitters again, I would defiantly go see it a second time.
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