Father and sons camp 2011...
Only 30 minutes from home, this years campsite was really fantastic. An area of outstanding natural beauty, the the site of an ancient Roman fortress, the boys were really spoilt. Jason captured it all so well in pictures.

My boys look forward to camp all year round. They absolutely love building fires, whittling wood, climbing trees, spending time with their Dad and generally just being boys.
The Set-up - tents and transport.
It's great to have evidence that my boys can work hard. Apparently Tayler loved this job and stayed when all the other boys went off to play to make sure the job was finished.
A little band of brothers. Walks are an important part of camp, and apparently this years's walk was 6 miles long! Jarom exhausted himself, and is taking an extra day to recover, whilst Tayler and Daddy did the sensible thing and only did a very short version of the walk before heading back to the camp site.
Tayler and Jason found company on the way back to the campsite. It's so good to have great friends to share good times with!

Jarom loves carving wood. He has asked for his own knife every year since he started going to camp age two. We promised him that for his twelfth birthday he would be responsible enough to have one - thinking in our naivety that twelve was such a big age and would take much longer to arrive. However Jarom's twelfth birthday is only a few months away, and several cut fingers are indicating that he may not be quite as responsible as we hoped he would be. A promise is a promise, and we need to keep ours, maybe we can find a super safe, and very blunt bladed, guaranteed not to chop your finger off variety of knife?
Whittling away!
The boys love spending time together.
And after all that play, it's time for a nap. Jason found Tayler sleeping in the footwell of the car. Being exhausted and needing a cozy quiet place to bed down Tayler must have tunnelled his way into his particular position.
And now home, the boys have brought with them - dirty stinky clothes that smell of camp fires; cuts and bruses; but lots and lots of great memories! It's what childhood is all about!
The Father/Son camp out is such a great thing! One word on the pocket knife deal: get a good one, and make it sharp. He is a LOT more likely to cut himself with a dull knife, because you have to push harder and your hand will slip more easily. I learned this from my husband, who grew up with a lot of brothers and a lot of knives. We let Hyrum get a knife @ 12, too, and no major injuries, here (yet!).
Thanks Amber, that's actually really great advice. I'll pass it on to my camp loving boys!
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