Super douper...
Sunday evening Ashleigh came over to play. Nathaniel's best friend is Ashleigh. He talks about her all the time, and loves playing with her. They love to play together, it's so nice to watch them really enjoying spending time with each other. They toddle around in the garden, read stories in Nathaniel's room, and make the biggest messes together in the living room.
Yesterday golf was the game of choice - or rather how many uses can you find for a golf caddy? Ashy got her pretty Sunday dress wet so Nathaniel came to the rescue with a pair of super pj's - he wanted to wear his of course too! It's so great to have good buddies!

The peonies came out in the garden this week. They are truly my favourite flower, and I love the particular variety in our garden. I think I'll have to invest in a few more bushes - different varieties and colours. I'm sure I say it every year, and never actually get around to doing it. This week it's the Chelsea flower show, it always reminds me of mum, she loved it there. I'll have to find out what peonies they have on show. This is my record of this year's beautiful blossoms from my bush. I love macro photography - a different way of looking at something can help you to appreciate it on a whole new level. Ummm - lovely!
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