I read a series of blogs recently out in cyber space looking at the lives of several busy mothers. The posts were entitles 'In her shoes'. I loved the idea of this. Documenting a whole day of my busy life. Recording all the little things I do so that I can share, and also one day look back and remember where I was and where I've been. My life is going through a process of change right now. I have been extraordinarily busy over the last three years and whilst they have been the most challenging times, I have also had moments of inspiration, clarity and deep deep joy. I have lived the last three years trying to make the most of every minute and I never want that to change. So here I go, a day in the life of me, this is what it's like living in my shoes...
My alarm goes off at 6:00am - I always hit the snooze button for an extra 5 minutes. Then I love to start the day with prayers and scripture study. I can rest easy then, knowing my day has started in the best way possible and that I have done the most important things first.

Then it's time to get washed and dressed. The morning routine is a 'tag-team' effort. Jason always feeds the boys and has them for the first hour of the day so that I can have some time for myself. He is a super-husband and I love him. I will change many bottoms during an average day.
My usual routine involves assisting my dad with his needs. These are some of the things that will be changing soon. Once dad is ready for the day, it's time to take the boys to school. Jarom likes to ride shot-gun. The younger boys sit in the back.

Jarom likes to jump out of the car first and walk the rest of the way to school. I always walk Tayler into school and stand with him in the playground. We talk about his day ahead, and have lots of interesting conversations about everything from the meaning of life to the latest Lego creation he is making. Today's conversations starts with - 'You know Mum, it's not fair...'
Once we have seen Tayler into his classroom. Nathaniel and I head home.
Most of the time we go home to help Grandpa, and occasionally we run a few errands before lunch. But today we are able to go to the park. Having free time is something we need to get used too. I really want to make the most of that too. I have trips to the park and the museum planned, toddler groups and swimming lessons. We also want to make the most of our beautiful seafront, so we'll be heading down there weekly for a jog (Nathaniel will be on his scooter) and a piece of cake in one of our fab little cafes. Sounds wonderful doesn't it. Today it was the park - we have several, and we're going to try each one and find our favourite.

Most of our mornings over the last two years have involved these syringes. They make great water squirters by the way. But their most important role has helped my dad stay chest infection free this year, which ultimately means his life is prolonged. And that is a truly wonderful thing! The job of using these syringes, will now mostly been taken on by some fantastically kind individuals, so that I can spend a bit more time with Nathaniel, and leave the house a little more then I do currently.

Funny story : As we left the house this morning for the school run, a grandpa and his two small grandsons approached us, with a very important request. Could they use our bathroom? Of course, I was overwhelming grateful that they had thought to ask. Hooray for humanity! I thought. I know that may sound a little silly. But I felt so glad that a stranger had asked, and that I had the capacity to say yes. And our bathrooms - although they wouldn't win awards - they are a lot nicer than any public toilets. This was my thank you gift. They honestly shouldn't have. But I was very grateful.
Dinner time. I always think carefully about what to cook for my family. We have a two-weekly schedule, and a monthly plan. We eat more fish, and a lot less meat then we used to, and I cook a different soup every Sunday. I love cooking food that my boys ooh and aah over. I like to make them happy by cooking food that tastes good and helps them to be healthy.
Speaking of healthy. Nathaniel developed another infection, so it was a bath before bed for him. Such a cheeky little guy. You can't help but love him.
When the boys are in bed I get down to some serious work. Only for an hour or two, but this is how I am managing to develop my business. I do of course use nap times (and any other spare minute I can get), what would I do without them? But today all I had was the evening to do my work. I edited pictures I had taken over Easter, I'll post a sample of pictures on my
photography blog within the next couple of days.
So that's me & my shoes. I'll finish the day by helping dad to bed and then watching a little TV to wind down from a busy day. Then it's off to bed, I need my sleep, 8 hours is best, but I can survive on 7 for a few days before I get super grumpy.
So that's a little of what it's like to spend a day in my shoes. Nothing particularly inspiring, but it's my life and even in the simple stuff I try to live it well!